Hi-Fi Choice is “entirely engrossed” in the performance Exposure’s 3510 preamplifier

British brand Exposure Electronics’ 3510 series of components shares many design elements with the company’s top-of-range 5010 series. Behind the series’ minimalist design lies a sonic performance that’s easy to get drawn into, with no fear of fatigue, as Hi-Fi Choice discovers in a recent group test of selected preamps.

This “absolutely traditional all-analogue offering…. makes simplicity a considerable virtue,” says the magazine of Exposure’s 3510 preamplifier. That simplicity also extends outwards to the 3510’s minimalist design, featuring “a clean and logical front panel with a conventional volume pot, which is a rare thing in 2024.”

At the same time, there are flexible options should you wish to add to the 3510’s basic ‘recipe’, including MM and MC phono boards and a plug-in DAC board.

Sonically, “the 3510 goes a long way towards making the argument that focusing on doing one thing well makes more sense than trying to do many different things less effectively.”

It delivers a performance that “combines impressive accuracy with a sweetness and musicality that is consistently appealing, and “combines delicacy with space, tonal realism and that aforementioned emotional engagement to create a performance that draws you in and leaves you entirely engrossed.”

You can read the full review in the May issue of Hi-Fi Choice.

Find out more and track down your nearest specialist retailer at https://exposurehifi.com